small black bird

small black bird

hi i'm jim harmon, california pest got pigeon problems around your house or birds coming around, and they're runningaround and you want to scare them out of your garden. well having birds typically is nota problem, most people like that. but pigeons and some of these nastier birds, you wantto keep them away. well this may be a good use for your old cds. take your cd and anytype of twine, string, normally i like to use something with color so i can see it,but if you don't want to and you're worried about having some twine that's not going tolast, use fishing line, monofilament line works great on this. all we're going to dois take about a foot to two feet of string, loop it through the cd, tie it off, i actuallygo three half knots. now we're ready to hang

it. as this twirls it picks up the sunlightand creates a little bit of an illusion of a prism, flashing a little light off of it,birds don't like that. especially in the wind this will keep moving around, they don't likethat, it irritates them, it freaks them out and it scares them, because it also is a randommovement. now mind you, the birds will get use to it, especially with pigeons. now whenyou're ready to hang these cut the length of twine at different lengths, that way they'llhang at different levels. and you can also put two on the same, or three or four, dependingon how long an area you need to cover. just remember you're going to want to watch outso you don't hit these with yourself. okay, now we put our cds up. now for an averageawning, for example in our backyard here,

i want the birds to stay out from underneathso i don't get bird poop all over my picnic table. well i'll be hanging these all overthe perimeter, usually every 5 to 6 feet, that should be more than enough, on a nicebright sunny day with a little bit of wind, they're going to be twirling around makingall kinds of visual deterrence for these birds. if you have them in your garden you can hangthese actually around your property and it will deter the birds from going onto the propertyto a certain degree.