minimalist room

minimalist room

hi i’m sara from loose leaf living. i can see how this makeover could seem kindof backwards to someone who sees a minimalist as someone who owns very few items. i personally use minimalism as a tool to shapemy life. i don't believe in forcing myself to not owncertain items like a bedframe or nightstands just to own less. we both thought these items would enhanceour lives by serving both utility and aesthetic purposes. i personally wasn’t happy with the bed onthe floor so we found this bedframe from amazon.

it’s very inexpensive, but not great quality,though i am still happy with how it looks. we also bought the mattress online from thesame company that made the bedframe. our nightstands are from ikea. we messed up pretty bad making the first one. the face is pretty scratched up. so i thought i would put that one on my sideof the bed because it'd be less noticeable that way. i like to keep my nightstand free of clutter. right now i don’t have any decor on it.

the inside, though, that's a different story. i need to organize that. the lamp is also from ikea. we don’t read in bed at night so it's mainlyjust there as a light source because we don't have a ceiling light in the room. the last piece of furniture is a solid wooddresser, and this was the only piece of furniture i brought up from southern california. we have an oil diffuser on it, along witha wine bottle with a fake rose, and a candle. i’m not completely happy with how this looksbut i mainly wanted to keep it simple and

try to use decor i already own. we eventually want to put some art printson the walls. lukas and i traveled a lot and took alot of great photos so we just need to find a print shop to make that happen. i know our bedroom isn’t “goals” or“pinterest worthy,” but it's what works for us. the point of this video is to promote a styleof bedroom that isn’t overflowing with furniture or stuff, and one that isn’t perfect. i personally think that can be kind of stifling. for me, a bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation,and that means less furniture and less stuff.

of course, you can decide for yourself whatkind of room you want, but i hope your main takeaway is that you don’t need to fillevery empty space with an item, especially in the bedroom. i hope you enjoyed this video and i'll seeyou in my next one!