minimalist house design ideas

minimalist house design ideas

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today we're goingto talk about how to decorate a home office and using in a minimalist style. this is avery small office. this is a closet with other closets in it, and so i took it and i wantedjust, i didn't need anything big, so i took it and wanted to just create a little placefor me to be able to get away and do some of my things. and so, in, in working witha minimal look, you want to take out all the extras. you want it to be very clean want it to be very clean and just what, just what is in the office is what you use.not a lot of, of extra accessories and pieces. so, what i've done is, this is a pretty justslick desk that i have found baskets and just have organized all my paper work with thebaskets, and have kept that very organized.

and then the glasses are just pieces i'vepicked up at the, a garage sale, flea market, and so i'll just put pens and pencils andtape in it. now, the one piece that really isn't minimal, i always need one just messypiece that i can just throw everything on. so if i was going to change this room andtake it to just real minimal, i would probably take down this, that is so, that has so muchstuff on it, and i would either, i might leave the wall as it is, and of course take thenails out and repaint. but since this is a very shut in area, and it's very small, i'mgoing to, what i will do, i'm just going to hold this up because i'm not sure lookingat these nails, i don't know if the nails will hold this mirror. but this is just anold, very old mirror, and what i'm going to

do is i'm going to, let's see if it will work,i don't know if it will, no, i'm just going to hold it up. i will need a little somethingon my wall, so i'm just going to put a mirror up here, a really interesting mirror thathas a great frame, and let that be it. so you have the desk, you have everything onit. the storage, file cabinets are in the closets, and it's very clean and minimal.this is ann myrick, and that is how you decorate a home office.