hi. i'm ann myrick. and today, we're goingto talk about how to outfit a guest bedroom. you want your room to be very inviting. youwant to be sure that when your guest comes in that they have what they need. you wantto be sure that they have drawers that they can put all their clothes in, that they haveplenty of hanging space. so the first thing that you want to do is go into the room andopen up drawers, open up chests, be sure that there are places they have a lot of room toput their clothes and all that type of thing. if the closet is totally full, be sure thatyou take a lot of clothes out of your closet, shoes out of the closet. put them in the garage.put them in another closet. but you don't want to just let your guest come in, and theyhave no place to put anything. over here,
i cleaned off the desk where they'll havea nice area to put things. also, i like just making a tray of, just kind of a very invitinglittle tray with a candle and flowers and maybe a few fun little shampoos or potpourrior whatever it may be. you want to be sure that they have plenty of places to put things.so these are great, colorful little baskets that they can put their toiletries, they canput their underwear. if you don't have a lot of space, you could use these fun basketsin ways. and it really brightens up the room and then makes it kind of individual to them.be sure that, in a guest room, you want a nice bed. a lot of times, people will justput somebody on the floor or put them on an uncomfortable couch. be sure you have a verycomfortable place to go. a comfortable bed,
nice sheets, nice pillows. a lot of times,what i do is i sleep in the bed before i have company just to be sure it's comfortable andit has what it needs. do some of those special things, some little mints. make them feelwelcome. razors, toilet paper, tissue, be sure they have all the things that they need.this is ann myrick. and that is how to outfit your guest bedroom.