minimalist decor bedroom

minimalist decor bedroom

hi, i'm ann myrick and today we're going totalk about decorating your bedroom or your mast bedroom in a minimalist style. and thatwould be, minimalist would be very sparse, also you can think of it as being contemporaryor being modern. what i'm going to do is this is not a contemporary or modern room but i'mgoing to take it minimalist so you can see how you can clean it up and make it look veryclean and neat and with straight lines just by using what we have. okay, the minimalistlook is pretty much what it says, minimal amounts of items. so anything that is overkill,anything that you have that is just extra. so i took the little coverlet off the bedand then i'm going to take the basket away and i will have just this slick, glass irontable. i want, i love the lamp and i want

the lamp to be more like a piece of artworkso what i'm going to do is i'm going to put the clock down on the bottom shelf, on themiddle shelf and then let the lamp just be the artwork. then with the chair i'm justgoing to straighten it up just with a little. usually on this look you don't slant or youdon't angle. you look at it straight on. but i am going to put just a little bit of tilt.the bottom shelf on this rack has magazines, just a nice, neat pile of magazines. i'm goingto take the pots away and i can either take the table, leave it or take it. i'm goingto take it just because we don't need it and what you do with minimalist is you take awayand just make it very, very clean. instead of having this, i want one big picture insteadof a grouping so i'm going to put this one

up. what i'm going to do now is i am goingto bring my chair where it looks like it's kind of like a slant. up on the armoire wehave three baskets and it's just a nice little grouping and that is it. that is, we cleanedthe room up and that is just having just the bare necessities in the room this is ann myrickand that is how to decorate your master the minimalist style.