sophie: my name is sophie. travis: i'm travis sophie: and we're at dimillo'smarina in portland. travis: why don't you come downand check out our boat? travis: our first boatwas the catalina 27. it was great for oneperson and a cat. sophie: we started lookingfor a bigger boat. it was like, all right. i'm living on it, it'scomfortable, but it's not that
comfortable. but did you know that there'sa make and model that's the same boat for sale in southportland for a little more money, but in good condition. travis: so we called the guyup and we looked at it. all the things that were wrongwith the other boat had been fixed in this one. sophie: so the engine runs? you're sure the engine runs?
it really starts, it does. it's good? he was like, yeah. started it up. we're like, wow. travis: so some things that aredifferent on a boat than a house is everything moves. sophie: we needed a special rackfor books, and a special rack for our spices and thingsthat wouldn't fall over.
travis: if it really gets rockyin here, the stuff will just end up on the floor,so it's a good test of how clean you are. sophie: the biggest challengewas finding storage for all out stuff. a u-shaped galley is a reallycommon galley shape for boats, because there's always somethingto brace yourself on, no matter how thewind is going. we've got the added benefit ofthis back here, three-burner
propane stove and oven. we don't have refrigeration. we have ice boxes, and we havehot and cold pressure water. travis: this is a seven footby seven foot triangle, all cushioned under here. so we sleep our heads here, andour feet this way, because there's less of an angle. hey, what are you doing? sophie: cat's name issir francis drake.
sir francis drake was the firstperson to circumnavigate the world, and it's asweet nautical name. i wanted a dog forever, and therule was that we couldn't have a dog, until wehad a 35-foot boat. and then we found this boat,fell in love with it, bought the boat. it's 32 feet on deck, but it's35 feet overall, or 36. the dog and the catlove each other. travis: apartments arepretty expensive,
houses are really expensive. this is a way to own yourhouse and sail it. female speaker: lovehome and design? so do i. have pinterest, tumblr,facebook, twitter? so do we. be sure to subscribe to ourchannel at the links below. see you soon.