how to pet a bird

how to pet a bird

how to buy a parakeet. buying a parakeet isa lot like buying any other animal. first thing you need to know is what you want outof the parakeet as a pet. are you looking for an animal that's just going to be attractiveand sing a lot and you're going to keep them in the cage and not handle, or you want ananimal you can actually get out and play with? it's an important distinction because youcan get either or out of a parakeet. you can get both out of a parakeet too, but go intoyour local pet store or breeder or bird show or whatever, they're probably going to havequite a bit of different parakeets for you to choose from and you need to know if you'relooking for an animal that's going to be friendly first or just attractive first. so after youdecide whether you want something that's just

going to be attractive and you can play with,of course if that's what you want, then pick an attractive parakeet that looks healthyand if it's something you want to be able to handle, you want to make sure you can getthe bird out and you can touch it and play with it and it doesn't freak out too much.most parakeets are going to need a little bit of hand taming down after you've purchasedthem, they're not going to come super friendly. now to find out if he's healthy or not, you'relooking for a parakeet that's not being lethargic, you want one that's not sitting in a cornerall puffed up looking odd or drowsy, you want somebody who's got all his feet intact, hasn'tbeen nibbled on by any cage mates, somebody who doesn't have any feathers missing, he'sbeen feather picked, preferably you want a

parakeet that's going to be wing clipped.clipping a bird's wings is not cruel and it's actually very important, especially if you'regoing to be getting the bird out it's safer for the animal that way they can't fly intoanything or hurt themselves. also check the beak, make sure the beak's not overgrown ordamaged in any way. make sure the eyes are clear and attentive. if you have all thesethings, then really what you're looking for after that is whether or not the animal issomething you can handle and play with if that's what you desire or if the animal isjust attractive and is beautiful and looks good to your eye, that's what's really just make sure he's healthy and then make sure that your needs are met as well and you'llboth have a wonderful relationship in the
