hello my friends and welcometo another tuesday of tutorial. i am leonardo pereznietoand today we are going to do a minimalistic portrait of katy perry. we begin by marking some keysspots, like the chin, the height of the eyes and head. then with loose strokes wesketch the shape, based on those points. measure the width of theface and mouth. then, we start giving more detail.
we mark the eyes. iâ´m taking the measurementsfrom a reference photo. one of the main characteristicsof the beautiful katy perry are her spectacular eyes. letâ´s try to do them well! the eyebrow looks more or lesslike this, from this angle. the eyelids are pretty arched,specially the upper one. the eyebrow and the nose. iâ´ll correct the shapessince it has more curved
on the upper part and itâ´s wider at the bottom. i'll also redo the mouthsince it goes a little bit higher and it did not hasthe correct shape. the upper lip is a little bitthicker… like this. the ear goes here. and the forehead more straight. good! we continue refiningdetails in this way. the neck goes here underthe ear seen from this angle. and… thinner, thatâ´s better!
we begin giving colorwith the pencils. her iris are of a bluewish-grayish-green, with a tinny brown by the pupil. now the lashes. good! it starts havinglife and personality. donâ´t forget the whitereflection on the eye. the upper lids will be blue. and now the glamorous red lips. we use various tones,a dark one for the shading,
a middle general tone,and an orange or even pink for the lights. this is going to bea minimalistic drawing. i am not going to finish everything,i am only going to do the most important and characteristic features. the once that should get allthe attention of the viewer. itâ´s a style that i want to shareand that you of course, can use. see what i mean, it is somethingsimple but the important part is to capture katyâ´s essence.
i like it how it is coming out. i love drawing so much! with the black color,i go over the line that i had done with pencil. by the way, the list of materialsis in the information below the video. we may place some light purple,above and below the eyes. we give it the last shadows,the last master touches... and itâ´s ready! if you enjoyed it pleasegive it a like,
share it to your friendsand subscribe to fine art-tips. you know where to follow me,the links are below. and i will see youon tuesday :) subtitled by grethel trejo