so there are nine life areas according tofeng shui that is addressed on what we call the bagua. and this is sort of the map forfeng shui. and the creativity area is always when you are standing in a room and you arein the doorway and you are facing into the room, creativity will always be the wall thatis to your right. so that's the creativity area. and there are many different thingswe can do to improve creativity, lots of different options that we can use and they all dependon what you like and what you are going for. so i'm going to talk a lot about differentthings that you can do to improve your creativity. the way to figure out where the creativityarea is again, to face into the room, hold this paper with the bagua right in front ofyou and then you'll know that creativity is
over to your right hand side, somewhere inthe middle of that wall. it's sort of a circle of energy, all these nine areas they intersect,who can tell where they begin or end but in that general area is where your creativitywill be so. you might already have a desk there or maybe a chair to sit at and do somethingcreative. or maybe you have a bookshelf there. so nothing is necessarily bad, it's all dependingon what you want to do in your life with your creativity and we are going to cater thatto you and what your choice is. so on this bagua you'll see that the creativity areais actually labeled as children. and it's actually both. a lot of baguas will call itchildren/creativity. children is obviously something that you create, so that is definitelypart of the creativity. and you might of been
more creative when you were a child. so thisis, it can be anything that you wanted to create in your life. it could be children,it could be family, it could be art, it could be cooking, it's anything that you make. andyou put love in and energy into. so that's why some of the baguas you will see for thisschool of feng shui, will just label it as children.