welcome back today's video we're doingis space jam e juice great hat super super t-shirt ordered the whole line sowhat i'm gonna be doing is probably three videos for these guys because they're sogood and i want to take my time with them the first or we're gonna do fromspace jam e juice is there are venus new labeling going on venus is tremendousvenus is a roasted marshmallows peanut butter caramel with a little bit ofcream on the back end so good the vapor production and also described the flavorit's so good peanut butter marshmallow dee licious space jam per get a very late peanut butter creamon the xcel marshmellow peanut butter on
the inhale struggled so good and thevapors incredible a live link at the bottom of the video so that you can goahead and order some space jam e juice what you gotta do is at the bottom of the video click showmore and will expand have a link at the bottom of the videofor you to go what are some of the stuff the next we're gonna do is called starship it's a vanilla custard in kiwi it's again one of my favorite ones i love thekiwi and of course a very late custer on the xcel try that on this couple ofdrops on here absolutely delicious really tart andsweet at the same time the kiwi delicious based in each use
really very good it was called space jam e juice starshipone absolutely absolutely wonderful iscalled it a drama tha t shirt t-shirt andromeda is fresh wild blueberries withan exotic pomegranate back a little common ground and it the blueberriesvery very tasty very sweet very good and again the whole line producerstremendous vapor and the whole lines really good i want to do two more videosafter this for you on some of the other flavors flavor so good i've got the pomegranatevery laid down the xcel delicious paper production check them out space jame-juice links at the bottom of the video
order some today you're gonna be gladyou did it not go to your local they've store if they don't carry space jam e juice theyprobably do order some of the vape store delicious stuff have a great day