beautiful home interiors

beautiful home interiors

hi i'm lou manfredini and welcome to house smarts. now if you're like me you think of your home is a kind of refuge from the world right. from the hardships and the disappointments that troubles that can happen to all of us. but for some, a stable home life is an unattainable luxury especially for kids who are at risk or homeless. sometimes all they

really need is a place to go. a place where they have a purpose and a future they can look forward to. well our first story is all about a unique place where those goals are priority number one. you know as a home builder for 25 years i had some favorites that i would put into a home for any builder that's usually the case.

for me it was hardwood flooring. think about it. it's a renewable surface that ten years down the road you can resand and stain and they're going to look brand new. but it's all about taking care of them. you know you might have gotten some advice from your grandmother who said you should only use vinegar and water to clean that floors. now i'm not going to say on

national television that your grandmother was wrong. welcome back. we'll be answering your ask lou questions in just a moment but first we have a cool tool that you can take anywhere and it will make your life lighter and brighter. all right don't go away they'll be more house smarts coming up right after the break.

that's it another house smarts in the books but we'll be back next week. now remember if you'd like more information about today's show just go to our website oh and remember to like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. right now it's time for our last word. so earlier in today's show we had a feature about

hardwood floors and we didn't talk a lot about refinishing them. now i want you to do as much as you can around your house but not refinishing your floors. that's something you need to leave to the professionals. i have done a terrific job of messing up that project several times. you see the equipment that you can rent is not the

same quality or as strong as the stuff that the pros use and so that's going to ensure that that floor is flat and even. when it gets stained and finished, it looks beautiful. ttrust me it's definitely worth the investment of hiring a pro. see you next time on house smarts.